I remember finding out I was pregnant with Sean. It was a lifetime ago...and I was so scared.
We'd been trying forever to have a baby. When I first discovered I was pregnant...the first time...I was over the moon with joy. My world was complete. I did what every expectant parent is not supposed to do - I told EVERYONE. We were going to have a baby. We were going to be a family.
Wrong. I lost the baby Christmas day, 1992. I had been pregnant less than 8 weeks. But I already had a baby ornament for the tree. I still have that ornament...and once a year, I look at it and think about the baby I lost - my first baby - and I mourn what never will be.
So...when Sean came along the following May, I was scared. More scared than I thought was humanly possible. I didn't believe the pregnancy tests. I made the doctor do a blood test - then prove to me why it was correct. My first ultrasound? The same thing. I made her explain everything she saw in the ultrasound that proved I was indeed pregnant and the little peanut shape she was showing me was...indeed...my baby.
Sean was peanut before he was Sean.
As I got comfortable in my pregnancy, the fear started to subside. After three months, we finally told everyone... cautiously. I still wasn't sure. But as time moved forward, I got less scared.
Until November. Pre-Eclampsia. And I was down on bedrest from my birthday until Sean was delivered January 29, 1994. Between were almost daily visits by nurses, technicians, and the weekly hospital visit. They had me terrified that if I moved wrong, I would lose my baby. Even the delivery severely threatened both our lives.
But we survived. And I became more protective in life than I ever was during the womb days.
Was this the beginning of Sean and I? Well, probably. But I tried to be three. I really did. And for a while it worked.
I can't blame Mike. He tried as best as any new dad could. But Sean was as close to me as I was to him. He was always in my arms, or around my legs, or nestled up beside me. We were almost as inseparable as we were when I was pregnant. Even trips taken outside to visit family - it was just Sean and I traveling. I don't remember Mike ever joining us on a vacation.
So when it came out that Mike was an alcoholic and we started to fight that horrible demon, Mike retreated into a shell of tequila and gin bottles, while Sean and I gathered together as one.
It was natural.
And it's how we got to where we are today.
Just the two of us. Who have been through everything together: illnesses, broken bones, emergency room visits, learning to read, learning to ride a bike, death of grandparents, the hell of alcoholism, divorce, and growing into a man.
No matter who has been around - no matter what our family situations - no matter what state we've lived in - it's always been the two of us, hand in hand.
Unconditional love at it's finest.
And the truth is...I need to learn to let go.
My peanut is not mine to hold onto forever. He is mine to love...but he belongs to himself. He is the best of unconditional love, but as is true with the finest of loves...they are not meant to last forever.
In a very short year and a half - he will move onto the next chapter in his life...and I will need to move on too.
I love you Peanut.
You and me against the world
It feels like you and me against the world
And for all the times we've cried
I've always felt that God was on our side
And when one of us is gone
And one is left alone to carry on
Then remembering will have to do
Memories alone will get us through
Think about the days of me and you
You and me against the world
You will find that cord is far stronger than you will ever know even when hes a million miles away.