Very simply stated - when you are driving on a highway where there are two lanes on each side, the inside lane is for passing. Period. It is not the lane for cruising.
It's the law.
I know. I've looked it up.
State by State - it's the same thing.
Why am I bringing this up?
Because I just finished a road trip and the majority of people out there have no fricken' clue as to the rules of the road.
What drives me nuts? Willful stupidity. Selfishness. The assumption that everything is created for "you." That "they" owe "you" something.
No. The inside lane is not made for you. No. Just because you are driving speed limit does not authorized you to drive in the inside lane. No. Just because you are young, old, black, white, brown, rich, poor, - no one owes you squat. There is nothing that allows you to be an ass on the road. Nothing.
So - get the hell out of the inside lane. If you are driving faster than those in the "slow lane" then - and only then - can you go into the "fast lane" to do just fast. Then when you pass the slower vehicle, pull back into the right lane. That way, when you are driving slower than another person, they have the advantage of going around you.
It's simple.
It's polite.
It's the law.
I'm usually passing the people in the right lane. I really prefer the left lane because it is less destroyed by cars and the elements. However, if there is a big enough gap between cars, I will get over to the right. Or if someone is coming up on me faster than I am going, I will get to the right. I really like the left lane better though. lol