Sometimes the reason people feel so alone is because the person they want to hold them up doesn't.
It doesn't matter how many friends they may have, or how many of the people around them say, "if you need anything - just let me know."
People like me don't just reach out. We don't just "let you know." Not because we don't want to - but because it's been driven into our tiny little brains that to do so could be an inconvenience to those we reach out to.
Or...when we've reached out, we've received obvious advice that we really didn't need.
Telling us the mistakes we've made to get to where we are is unnecessary. Usually, we know where we've fucked up. It's pretty obvious to us. We tend to feel extremely stupid for allowing ourselves to make the very mistake you feel a need to point out to us.
So - we don't reach out. Because we don't want to be beaten over the head by our own stupidity.
Some people think we need to hear it to move forward.
We don't.
I don't at least.
What I need is quiet support.
Someone to tell me it will all be okay. Someone to hold me and to prop me up. Someone to stand behind me as I face the coming day.
I need someone who will protect me. Someone who will not be condescending to me when I ask for advice. I'm perfectly able to tick off every mistake I've ever made - every misstep that has led me down all the wrong paths. What I need is help climbing out of the hole.
I need love.
And I'm no different from everyone else out there that feels lost on a daily basis.
The hardest thing I'm finding is to grow older and having that support system change around you. I'm not alone in that I gather very few trusted people around me. I'm not alone in feeling that I would impede on another's life by asking them to join my little circle.
People like me - need people like you to step up and come to me. I need you to make the effort to show me you truly care. I need you to fight for me and not simply think I'm strong enough to do it for myself.
To simply offer up a comment of "just let me know" implies you're too busy to take the time necessary to reach through my walls and touch my heart. I'm not going to "let you know" because it will take too long for me to explain why I need you.
Whereas you believe I have that time - have that strength - the simple truth is that I don't.
I'm afraid.
And fear is a grand motivator for living inside of walls.
I'm here if you need a good venting session :)